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Teach @thenewschool Virginian. Catskiller. Books, music, baseball. #coys Trying to rescue at risk shelter dogs, though it's quite overwhelming. Views=mine.

Aug 16, 2021, 6 tweets

In March 1965, Bob Dylan had left his home in Woodstock for an American concert tour with Joan Baez. 1/5

At the end of March, he played Santa Monica and Berkeley, with a second Berkeley show on April 3. On the 9th, he was Vancouver, British Columbia, and played Portland, Oregon on the 23rd. In the intervening month, he was in California most of the time with Sara Lownds. 2/5

On April 26th, Dylan arrived in London for an English tour. For the first two weeks of May, 1965, he was on tour in England. The @guardian reported they were asked to leave their Sheffield hotel on May Day. Bob didn't like any misbehavior on the tour 3/5

...which tour was being filmed by D.A. Pennebaker, as the above clip shows. In mid-May, Dylan went to Portugal with Sara on holiday — "drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar." Returning to London on the eve of his May 24th birthday, Bob was sick enough to be hospitalized. 4/5

He and Sara, and his film crew and fellow musicians, stayed in London through June and perhaps into July (experts disagree). It's certain that he was back to play the Newport Folk Festival at the end of the month:

That's all I have to say.

*asterisk: Bob and Sara and company left London after he recovered from his illness, and finished recording for the BBC, at the beginning of June. I trust Olof Bjorner entirely on Dylan's recording chronologies: he was in New York again by June 15, for the "Highway 61" sessions.

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