Mike Rothschild (no relation) Profile picture
Conspiracy theory journalist and expert, wrote THE STORM IS UPON US and JEWISH SPACE LASERS. RothschildMD@protonmail.com. 'Little chicken-neck guy' -Alex Jones

Aug 17, 2021, 5 tweets

Mike Flynn has a new Lonesome Rhodes-esque screed in the Western Journal, and it's another grab bag of patriotic nonsense and apocalyptic longing. A few highlights: the problem with Afghanistan is that we didn't kill enough civilians.

Here's a sentence that means...something? Did Flynn leave some words out? Declare the Islamic State...what?

China, which literally welded people inside apartments to enforce COVID quarantine, is strong for not having mask mandates.

Mike Flynn waving the bloody shirt for his buddy Roger Stone having his door kicked in by the fascist FBI.

"Take heart. Look at Afghanistan." YIKES. Even for Mike Flynn, that's a doozy. Or maybe it's not.

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