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Aug 17, 2021, 17 tweets


An initiative to malign Sanatan Dharma, Hinduism & India

Proudly sponsored by 45+ Centres or departments @ 40 Plus Universities.

This is a 3 day conference which solely targets Hinduism and calling out how Hindutva is violent.
You will be shocked to know who are their speakers and Co Sponsoring this Joke of an event. Read below -

As mentioned the event is happily co sponsored by 40 Plus universities across 45 plus Departments. Now comes the shocking part - Several big and renowned Universities are coming out openly in support of this Maligning Initiative. Have marked them in Red - Listing down below.



Harvard (biggest and most renowned)

University of Washington

University of Toronto

Princeton (Another Big Name)

Stanford (Big Name)


UC Berkley


UC San Diego


University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


University of Boston

Just because people of India are getting aware about their glorious Sanatan Dharma and staying connected to their Bharat Varsha. These people want to tag all Indians as Hindu Supremacists.

Below graphic they put a Sickle through a Swayamsevak. Showing clear Targeted Hate.

Here even when they launch their topics and schedule for their said maligning event. Just see the Titles for each section chosen for plain incitement. Their Panel 3 topic is the most laughable but worrisome. As these are the ones who propagate Caste System ideologies.

Meena kandasamy officially openly providing support and telling all to follow such a maligning event. What's more to pay attention is to the date when the original post was tweeted by the said handle & retweeted by her. That is our 75th Independence day.

Even Jyotsna Siddhartha endorses the maligning event and retweets the post on our 75th Independence Day of India tagging along other speakers who would be propagating ideologies in the said event.

Cornell South Asia program registering open support to get maximum registration to ensure gets necessary ROI for co sponsoring said maligning Sanatan Dharma events.

Last but not the least. Here is one tweet by them. Which would sum up their whole agenda and ball game against India and its Citizens. Attacking all that we feel proud for
Our Culture, Our Sanatan Dharma, Our Connect to our Motherland.
And Portraying us as people of vengeance.

I Sincerely request @EduMinOfIndia @PMOIndia @narendramodi Ji @dpradhanbjp Ji @OfficeDp @AshwiniVaishnaw Ji @Rajeev_GoI Ji to look into it and take due cognizance.

@ShefVaidya Ji - A Sincere request to check it Ji 🙏

@RiseofBurnol Ji 🙏

@UshaNirmala @naikrakesh @VidyaSanatani @JoshiShejal @ShefVaidya @swati_gs @Tiny_Dhillon @Manesha76 @IndianRajeshNCo @ARanganathan72 @amitwip @shuchiism @TajinderBagga @NupurSharmaBJP @ankitasood13 @iArpit_01 @navin82upa @DoctorAjayita @kishanreddybjp @AshwiniVaishnaw Here, now even Audrey Truschke is openly supporting the maligning event. She selectively lists down how people insulted her. Makes this out of context tweet without even highlighting how she first attacked Sanatan Dharma and Hinduism by using the word Hindutva 2error.

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