Brian D. Earp, Ph.D. Profile picture
Sr. ResFellow @UniofOx; Co-Dir. @bioxphi Lab: philosophy, psychology, bioethics; sci/tech/med; sex/gender/equality; body autonomy; child rights. @UKYoungAcademy

Aug 18, 2021, 8 tweets

Pretty horrifying. This should be a major concern. "A Drug Addiction Risk Algorithm and Its Grim Toll on Chronic Pain Sufferers" - excerpts below

Secret 'credit score' for controlled substances based on opaque, often biased algorithm

Algorithm not validated by peer-reviewed research

Use of partial, skewed data to inform algorithm

Racial biases likely reinforced by algorithm, leading to under-treatment of pain in black people

The more vulnerable the patient, with the more complex conditions, the more likely to be flagged as 'too risky' for pain treatment

Women experiencing childhood sex abuse being turned away from pain treatment

The article really is worth reading and is quite alarming

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