Masih Alinejad 🏳️ Profile picture
Iranian Journalist & Activist | President of @WLCongress | Founder of #WhiteWednesdays, #MyCameraIsMyWeapon, #MyStealthyFreedom Campaigns. | زن زندگی آزادی

Aug 19, 2021, 6 tweets

have been in touch with 100s of women from Afghanistan for our campaign against compulsory hijab. Now they are sending videos to me speaking out against Taliban. I get goosebumps when I hear their voice. Most of them live inside the country. they want to be heard by the world

She is a young model from Afghanistan. She spent years building her career, whereas now she’s scared not only for her career, but her safety in Afghanistan. She pleads with the world not to trust the Taliban.

I blurred her face for her own safety

“I cannot help crying, but I know that one day my cries will turn into anger and we will be able to take Afghanistan back from the Taliban.
Why is the word silent in the face of our pain? Join us and support us.”

I blurred her face for her own safety.

4-“I live in Afghanistan, full of fear for my future. Taliban says if we respect the Islamic dress code, they’ll allow us to work & study, but we don’t trust them. Today, if you don’t support your Afghan sisters, the world won’t forget about your indifference.

“I live in Afghanistan & I’m witnessing how these days, the atmosphere in Kabul is full of fear and hopelessness. But our women of today are not the same as women of 20 years ago. We won’t surrender. The world must support us”.
They are risking their lives in order to be heard

6)”20 years ago, when Taliban was in power, they raped women and killed innocent children. We don't want to go back to those years"
Heart-wrenching words of a young Afghan girl who asks the international community for help.
Don't leave Afghan women alone

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