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Aug 19, 2021, 6 tweets

1/ Let's get organized. ✨

We've rounded up some of our favorite plugins for tidying up your Figma files.

Here's the collection, created by @rogie


2/ First up, Figma Measure, created by @phlp_ and @crlhsr.

This plugin provides on-canvas documentation to show customizable redlines for heights and widths.

You can also add tooltips for font details, fill colors, border radius, and more.

3/ Downsize, created by @alexeinars, allows you to compress images right on the canvas, reducing the file size and load time to increase performance.

4/ Status Annotations, built by @negativespaceca, allows you to indicate the status of your designs to avoid ambiguity when collaborating with your team.…

5/ Quantizer, built by @aswellasyouare, allows you to organize a selection of elements into a grid of your choosing by specifying number of columns as well as column and row gaps.

6/ Design Lint, built by @daniel__designs, finds missing styles within your designs.

Use this plugin to fix inconsistencies and ensure your designs are ready for development or further design collaboration.

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