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Aug 20, 2021, 6 tweets

The Inferior mesenteric, artery’s course,
Starts at the aorta, the original source,
Originates at, the level of L3,
At the inferior edge, of the 3rd part of Dueee…;

Supplies splenic flexure, to upper rectum,
Of the three splanchnic vessels, this is the small one,
Keeps hind-gut alive, the proctologist’s chum,
Friend of that strange bunch, who work on the bum;

Left colic then sigmoid, branches supply?
Errr.. Left colon and sigmoid?… don’t be a wise guy!
Superior rectal, the terminal branch,
Over upper rectum, holds perfusion ‘Carte Blanche’;

Finally two rules, to make sure you stay right,
Don’t clip it until, the ureter is in sight,
And when tying it should be taken, flush for perfection,
When doing an oncological, anterior resection;

That’s all three gut vessels, we’ve mentioned in rhyme,
Might head north and attempt, carotid next time… 🙄🙄

#SurgEd @Dukes_Club @roux_group @RouleauxClub @TheMammaryFold1

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