Tony Lin 林東尼 Profile picture
Peabody & GLAAD Award-winning Storyteller. Building something new. Host of bilingual pod Planet Speakeasy 行星酒館, ex-@vice @buzzfeed

Aug 20, 2021, 8 tweets

This month I tried something new: each Thursday I'll visit a restaurant in Sunset Park, and I'll email friends details beforehand—they can show up if they want. This is to share my the experience with minimal emotional effort. Here's an ongoing thread on this #SunsetThursday /1

The motto: 好吃好喝,爱来不来. Feel free to sign up, run late, or ghost me altogether. I ain't putting in efforts to organize, and my friends don't need to spend energy to commit. The more ppl come, the more food we get to try. Yesterday was Malaysian joint Langkawi /2

We started with Roti & Satay Tofu /3

Hainanese Chicken, pork ribs, water spinach, seafood casserole. 海南雞,南乳排骨,馬拉盞通菜,砂鍋海鮮銀針粉 /4

This glorious Bak kut teh 肉骨茶 deserves its individual post /5

I failed at taking photos of drinks. But we ordered three different sodas with lychee, longan, and rambutan. Try your luck. /6

That was the second Sunset Thursday. For the debut gathering two weeks ago, we raided Fei Long's food court for roasted fish 烤魚, xiao long bao 小籠包, ci fan 粢飯 and braised pork chop 醬骨架. /7

There's more to come in the coming weeks. In the name of fried chicken wings 炸雞翼, support your local restaurants. /8

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