Eric Feigl-Ding Profile picture
Public health & economic warnings. Health policy & epidemiology. Chair/Faculty @NECSI. Fmr @Harvard. 📚 👉

Aug 20, 2021, 7 tweets

HOLY HELL—Chief Health Officer of British Columbia🇨🇦, @DrBonnieHenry, is caught on camera **ENDORSING NO MASKS**—giving a ✌🏻sign to fan shouting “no mask”. She didn’t flinch one bit. Dr Henry notoriously downplays masks. Hence why BC is Florida of 🇨🇦—🧵

2) This behavior of @DrBonnieHenry is inexcusable. Yet Dr Henry has constantly downplayed and frequently lies on camera claiming “no way did we ever say it’s not appropriate” to wear masks… well, roll tape. HT @frozen.

3) Still not convinced that B.C. health chief is anti-mask? A longer video of her “no mask” selfie shows her smiling and chuckling with her “no mask” fans. @DrBonnieHenry must resign, or @jjhorgan must terminate her, or @JustinTrudeau must demand it!

4) Bonnie Henry even further fist bumps both of the people who shouted “no mask” after the selfie was taken. It’s all on tape.

5) Meanwhile here is BC Covid under Henry’s horrible leadership. Green is 2021 Covid.

6) Contrast no-mask @DrBonnieHenry’s behavior INSIDE at the same stadium with vaccine clinic healthcare workers— who are all masked even outside. Bonnie doesn’t care.

7) Her counterpart in Florida meantime…

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