Rafael M Loureiro Profile picture
Consultant neuroradiologist focused on AI & clinical research at @hosp_einstein | PhD candidate at @usponline

Aug 20, 2021, 7 tweets

Endolymphatic Hydrops (EH) on MRI

EH is the distension of the endolymphatic space of the inner ears and is considered the hallmark of Menière's disease.

Delayed postcontrast imaging (optimized 3D-FLAIR):
Gd reachs the perilymph but not the endolymph

EH MRI Protocol

Cochlear EH Grading

Vestibular EH Grading

Tip 1: read the 3D-FLAIR sequence together with a heavily T2-weighted sequence to help differentiate the EH (arrows) and the surrounding bone.

Tip 2: be aware of the expected regions that accumulate Gd after 4h of IV injection. #NeuroRad #hnrad #otolaryngology

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