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Striving to protect democracy & shining a light on under-reported events. At The Dragnet News, you never know what might show up in the net.

Aug 21, 2021, 9 tweets

Jan 6, 2021

"Death to tyranny" (Owen Shroyer) very much "Death to America" vibes, but remixed

"They just breached the Capitol" (unk)

"It's only the shit of your dreams" (unk)

"We gotta call this right" (Alex Jones)

*see attempted audio cleanup in next tweet


I'm absolutely certain someone can do a better cleanup of this audio than my attempt.

Especially to try to figure out what is being said near the end . . .

"if we bring a big old crowd and show a peaceful demonstration and confuse" [unintelligible]

Within a minute and a half from the end of the last clip, they were marching on the Capitol, at InfoWars' instruction. The crowd didn't decide. InfoWars did.

And although you can't see him yet, you can hear someone in the crowd call out to Ali Alexander.


It's in this next clip that you see Ali Alexander appear, right next to Alex Jones.

And you also see that Alex Jones and Owen Shroyer are the prominent ones with bullhorns. The InfoWars people, steering the audience. (Like they do from their studios.)


If there was one message I wish I could convey to you, it's how InfoWars' messaging has been able to go from the fringe to everywhere on social media. Whether it is in supposedly 'left' groups or 'right' groups, you can't avoid the false allegations of pedophiles & the rest.


But let's rewind the footage a few minutes.

Jones & Shroyer push a chant of "1776" (overthrow of the govt)

"We are under attack. And we need to understand this is 21st century warfare and get on a war footing and not just take this country back but take the world back" (Jones)

"Today we march to the Capitol" (Shroyer)

*Active monitoring of what Trump was saying, showing that they were calling for a march on the Capitol before Trump said it

"The Great Awakening [QAnon] will trigger the great rebellion" (Jones)

"Stand up & do the right thing . . .

. . . Expose it & bring it to its knees for its ultimate defeat. And that's what we do, starting now in the year 2021." (Shroyer)

Put it altogether & you have InfoWars trying to goad the crowd on, while trying to maintain plausible deniability by keeping their own hands clean.

"Fake pandemic" (Shroyer)

"they're Chicom scum & they're gonna burn in hell. Let's go take our country back." (Jones)

"Let's start marching to the Capitol" brief pause for crowd noise and cheers to rise "peacefully" (Jones says more quietly)


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