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Aug 21, 2021, 12 tweets

Analysis of an Eren panel — a thread

Spoilers below

This panel shows every aspects of Eren’s character, all reunited in one aspect of place only, not just his aspects but also the motivation behind his actions of moving forward with every hurdle he had come acrossed ,
Suppressing them

Eren’s character analyze ~

As we see Carla on a hospital bed after giving birth , with Grisha holding baby Eren for the first time
Grisha giving Eren his name

First point of Eren’s character— He was born into this world. +2

Grisha saying 'you are free' to Eren,
For Grisha, since he had already faced hard consequences being a strict parent towards zeke for restoration of eldia (more of forcing him) and he didn't want that cycle to repeat again with Eren +

Freedom means a lot to Eren eversince was kid watching people fear titans, he wants to be free, in a world only with landscapes, with no titans, only him, beautiful and young, accompanied with his friends and lover. That’s what Grisha also wanted; a fair world,but couldn’t have+

We all know that Eren wasn’t free, being born into this world wasn't enough for him. It’s a contrast to his desires; being stuck behind walls where mindless monsters could eat you alive isn’t freedom. +

The freedom Eren wanted, he never could experience it, but still managed to give it to the people he adored and lived with since he was a kid

Second point of his character— He gave freedom to his friends.+

Eren’s actions:

Don’t let yourself get fooled by the ‘I don’t why, but…’ It means a lot actually, Eren was having a memory, and for once, it wasn’t the harsh future he had to see, no. +

It was an important moment of his life, reminding him why he did all of this; his parents, his freedom, his liberty. For once after 4 years, Eren saw hope; you can see it in his eyes, that he did not do all of this for nothing. +

‘I had to to that’ — Chapter 131 Eren explains that for Eldia’s freedom which his only selfish desire, he had to do what needed to be done, a world with nothing but landscapes; no titans; no humanity, just his view as a child trapped behind long walls, like in Armin’s book. +

the ending of aot was rushed for sure, but this panel right there, is probably Eren’s best one. Eren was selfish for some parts which made him selfless and confused leading him to become depressed person.
Which makes him unique and great character

In the end I would like to thank @shytomatomato @erensonlyfans @cactuzzshash for helping me out

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