THREAD: At our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center in Lafayette LA., the youngest COVID patient in ICU, Keighlie Reaux, is 24.
2 weeks ago she delivered a boy, Krew, & never got to hold him.
She’s been on a ventilator for the last 13 days.
This is baby Krew being held by Keighlie’s mother, Aime.
Keighlie had no pre existing conditions before testing positive for COVID19, says her mother Aime who adds: “we let our guard down” and took a family vacation for July 4th. When they came back everyone in the family tested + for Covid. Everyone recovered except Keighlie.
In Keighlie’s left hand is a rosary. Draped across her is a prayer blanket. Playing in the room is Disney channel. Her mother requested that just in case Keighlie can hear it; Disney is what Keighlie would watch each morning with her older son, Karter, who’s a toddler.
The family gave us permission, & gave the hospital permission, to allow us to Keighlie’s ICU room. We also interviewed her mother, Amie. You’ll see that interview on @CBSThisMorning, Monday.
Her family wants to save lives by telling her story.
Keighlie is not vaccinated.
“New CDC data: COVID-19 vaccination safe for pregnant women”…
Yesterday, Keighlie’s heart stopped. Her lungs collapsed. Her family was called to the hospital. It was the 1st time her mother saw her since she went into ICU but her mom feared it was going to be the last. But Keighlie‘s medical team revived her. She lives to fight another day.
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