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Sex Matters. Stand up for single sex services This is not a culture war

Aug 21, 2021, 13 tweets

From the Easy Reading version of the Welsh LGBTQ+ Action Plan consultation

- it is so unsafe to tell people they cannot trust their own eyes about who is a man and who is a woman.

Queer means..... ? (I still don't know)

And as for the plus...?

Here is the not easy reading version - it still doesn't make clear why people "wanting to reject specific labels" should need to be the business of the state.

The plus can be "any number of other identities"...

Why is this a "community of people"?

People who are happy to clearly describe themselves as gay or lesbian, and people who reject that label and are not in same-sex relationships... in what way are they a community??


This is one of their priorities....

(who does this?)

Who could be against people "living a full life?"

No "gender" is not a protected characteristic

Not the definition of hate crime

Hurtful comments are not hate crimes

The whole thing feels incoherent, exploitative and leading

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