The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Aug 22, 2021, 6 tweets

President Trump says this wasn’t a withdrawal. This was a complete surrender for no reason.

This is what you get with a week president. Remember the 59 bombs we dropped on Syria while I was sitting with the president of China eating chocolate cake.

Very soon will be September 11 and because of Biden the Taliban flag will be flying over top the US Embassy in Afghanistan.

President Trump says everything “woke” goes to shit.

President Trump says now we may be forced to go back in to Afghanistan because this person running our country made a horrible decision.

President Trump says the issue is not about leaving Afghanistan. The issue is about Joe Biden‘s incompetence and gross negligence.

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