Mello.B33 Profile picture
Born of chaos, a lone wanderer amongst the blind, a lone wolf amongst the sheep, that wishes to devour the shepherd who keeps all in line.

Aug 22, 2021, 5 tweets

1/ To be honest, one thing that I learned from this "pandemic" is the fact that certain kinds of people with whom I normally & wholeheartedly disagree with when it comes to their beliefs, ideologies and convictions are not as crazy, as confused, as stupid or as irrational as ..

2/ I initially thought. They are just on a different path than I am. Everyone has their own path through life, we all learn based on experience & past mistakes even if we happen to live in a lie for years or even decades. Life is a process of exploring the world and making the ..

3/ sense of it while learning and gaining wisdom over time. Even though they are not necessarily my enemies there is clear value and wisdom in this proverb: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend". People from different walks of life, who would normally would never see eye to eye ..

4/ or never agree on almost anything, sometimes can put aside their differences and band together when they see great danger and the enemy that threatens their entire existence. This has definitely been a humbling experience for me. At the same time, some people with whom I ..

5/ interacted with, followed or admired appeared to have lost their marbles and their brains have turned into mush. Human mind is truly fascinating but unfortunately this also means that we are ultimately the worst enemies of ourselves, irregardless if we want it or not.

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