Jerry Dunleavy IV 🇺🇸 Profile picture
Author of “KABUL: The Untold Story of Biden’s Fiasco” — Senior Investigator for @HouseForeignGOP — Ex-DOJ Reporter @DCExaminer — AMDG —

Aug 22, 2021, 5 tweets

Blinken to Wallace: "We’re in direct contact with Americans and others to help guide them to the airport, right place, right time, to get in more safely and effectively."

Blinken to Wallace about Biden's lie that al-Qaeda is "gone" from Afghanistan: "Are there al-Qaeda members & remnants in Afghanistan? Yes. But what the President was referring to was its capacity to do what it did on 9/11. And that capacity has been very successfully diminished."

Wallace: "Mr. Secretary, does the President not know what’s going on?"

Blinken: "This is an incredibly emotional time for many of us, & including allies & partners who have been shoulder-to-shoulder with us in Afghanistan for 20 yrs at high cost to themselves as well as to us."

Wallace: "How does chaos go from highly unlikely to inevitable...?...What does that say about the competence of the President & all of you...?"

Blinken: "There’s gonna be plenty of time to look back, to figure out who was saying what when, what should've happened differently..."

Blinken to Wallace on the dissent cable warning of a possible rapid Taliban takeover: "I read the cable almost immediately. I responded to the cable almost immediately. And we took to heart a number of recommendations that were made in the cable. I can’t go into too much detail."

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