Jason Scott Profile picture
Proprietor of https://t.co/sdyjXHCZF7, historian, filmmaker, archivist, storyteller. Works on/for the Internet Archive. Rank Amateur. Pitiful Man.

Aug 23, 2021, 7 tweets

First month and change is paid for. I'll be getting the office! It'd be nice to have the six months socked away but I'm sure I can prove it was worth it through September. Here's some of what's to be done.

Munchy, the CD-ROM reading robot, will be at the ready for any CDs coming in, either from my backlog or from people sending them in. (Random boxes come to me all the time.)

I've got literally hundreds of videotapes to rip, which I'm able to do in the background constantly. These range from obscure to historically one of a kind, to completely off the charts weird.

Will I be imaging floppies? Yeah.

Here's an example of a collection I'm currently going through and will refine grabbing.

While I won't be scanning paper as much, I will be doing a bit of it and I'm ready to go with scanners.

And livestreams will increase. I'll have things set up for frequent lessons, Q&A and so on. I promise entertainment.

So again, feel free to support to this idea. For my own part, I'm packing up what would go into the rented office here and making easily-movable crates. The earliest they can give me an office is September, so I've got time to plan. Thanks.


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