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Aug 23, 2021, 9 tweets

Young Republicans are the secret weapon behind the country’s most powerful political candidates. You may not know these names yet, but trust us, these are the people who will probably be running presidential campaigns in the future.…

As the midterm elections are nearing, young Republicans are ready to throw themselves headfirst into the political fire. Even a salary starting at $20,000 a year will not deter them from the dream of a successful future on Capitol Hill.…

.@realWestonImer was named county co-chair of Donald Trump’s first presidential campaign at just 12 years old. Now 17, he is the founder of @ProdigyCGLLC and is the coordinator of @ImerForColorado, who is also his mother.…

At only 25, Emily Tuttle is the most senior staffer for @esther4congress and the brain behind pretty much every aspect of the campaign. While she is on the cusp between millennials and Gen Z, she prefers the former.…

Simon Zauber was homeschooled until he was 16, later moved to Israel to where he served as a commander in an infantry unit @IDF, and is now serving as campaign manager to Kenneth Harper for Senate 2022 at age 22.…

The first campaign Kenny Zoeller ever worked on was his own in 2012, when he ran for city council in Seward, Nebraska, while attending college. He didn’t win, but since then he has helped other Republicans, like @GovRicketts, win elections.…

Micah Yousefi started her career as a legislative aide for then-Rep. Bill Shuster of PA. Now she is the political and policy director for @WinningForWomen, a relatively new Republican effort to support female candidates.…

Donald Rickard worked on the 2016 presidential campaign of @tedcruz and was the 2020 campaign manager for now-Rep. @Bethvanduyne of Texas. He says the hardest part of his job is telling others on the campaign that their candidate lost.…

See our list of millennial and Gen Z @GOP operatives making an impact on politics on @thisisinsider: 👇…

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