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Aug 23, 2021, 7 tweets

We navigate the world with our muscles.

They help you breathe and even fuel your immune system during infections.

The loss of muscle mass known as Sarcopenia is a serious risk factor with severe implications on your health.

This thread will shed more light on the matter.

Sarcopenia refers to the decline of muscle mass, strength, and quality stemming from:

- Aging
- Inactivity
- Chronic diseases
- Cancer progression
- Nutritional deficiencies

This progressive condition affects 10% of the older adult population, up to 40% in nursing homes.

The quantity and quality of your muscles influence your movements and how you breathe or swallow.

Your inner armor also affects your immune response and metabolic stress during acute infections or major surgery.

More muscle mass = More protection.

Now, let's say you catch a bad case of the flu.

Your body will break down parts of your muscles to supply your immune system, gut, and liver with amino acids to fight the infection.

Think of it as an emergency savings account, hence why Sarcopenia is so problematic.

Plenty of clinical evidence shows that patients with Sarcopenia have impaired immunity:

- They have higher rates of community-acquired and in-hospital pneumonia.

- Increased risk of infectious complications after major surgeries.

- Lower cancer survival rates

Sarcopenia is highly relevant today for three reasons:

1. Its causes are confirmed risk factors for C-19 infection and mortality

2. Patients have higher rates of community-acquired and in-hospital pneumonia

3. Patients have compromised breathing muscle strength/function.

The good news, Sarcopenia is preventable for the most part:

- Avoid inactivity like the plague

- Eat a protein-rich diet to supply your body with building blocks

- Resistance exercises to build muscle mass and strength

- Improve your sleep quality

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