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Aug 23, 2021, 5 tweets

Here's the current status with the Extinction Rebellion protest on Long Acre & St Martin's Lane.

A handful of protesters stood on a giant pink table in the middle of the road.

Oddly, it was just the police, the protesters, and me. Everyone else has been kicked out of the area.

There are tons of police in the area. I'd guess a few hundred. And it's all fenced off with temporary barriers.

The area is only a couple of hundred yards from one of the largest police stations in Central London, so fairly easy for police to come & go.

The police aren't letting anyone in, but oddly they have closed it using a 'Section 14'. They have cleared the whole area using that, and are telling everyone they cannot go in, but legally that is not true: They should let you in if you are not part of it.

Aside from the large pink table, most of the area has been cleared.

There're a few people in a couple of the roads like this - locked onto whatever is in the rolling luggage.

The junction Extinction Rebellion have picked is not actually a particularly busy traffic junction, and is easy to cordon off

The main effect tonight is several restaurants have closed. Monday is a quiet night, and the only theatre within the cordon is closed on a Monday anyway.

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