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writer of threads || baker of breads || @aiisdev

Aug 24, 2021, 25 tweets

In fast-moving markets like this, it seems like almost every other day there is a new bullish “meta” taking over headlines for the week

For this reason…

I’ll attempt to lay out the top 23 innovations on $ETH that may completely change the way we use the network below! 🥐

1. Interchain Accounts

A handful of devs across Proof of Stake blockchains have been working on making the cross chain future a reality

Interchain accounts will allow different blockchains to easily interact with smart contracts on $ETH

This will unlock billions in capital…

2. Smart Contracts Wallets

Smart contract wallets are 100% necessary for widespread adoption of DeFi

These are wallets maintained by contract code, rather than a private key

It opens up a world of opportunity for things like social recovery, gas-less txs, & a whole lot more…

3. AI DAOs

Let’s imagine an artificial intelligence on the blockchain, constantly improving itself to meet a set of goals

With neural networks & machine learning on $ETH, this is actually very possible

Believe it or not, this has already been tested:…

4. Web 3.0

When things went digital, people completely changed the ways they viewed ownership of their items online

The Web 3.0 economy is an open network owned, and powered by the creators

There are no silos or boundaries in this ecosystem, meaning platform agnostic ownership

5. Automation

If you build on $ETH, you’ll quickly notice one thing…

There is no way to hard code something to happen at a specific time, everything has to be triggered by something

This goes for:


Bot networks are crucial for $ETH infra 👀

6. Capital Efficiency

$ETH is extremely capital inefficient.

Liquidity is segmented across protocols like Uniswap, Aave, or Sushiswap

The platform that closes these borders will be the one that prevails, forever changing the way people can use their capital

7. Staking Derivatives

With the use of interchain accounts and staking derivatives on $ETH, billions of dollars in locked capital will be unlocked from various proof of stake blockchains

All of these blockchains can then interact with smart contracts using the derivatives 👀

8. Fractionalization

So long, cheap NFTs.

The creation of fractionalization tools have made NFTs infinitely more accessible for the normal investor

Entire groups of people can pool to own their fair share of NFTs, & they no longer need the absurd upfront capital to get started

9. Creator Tokens

As more and more people open up to the idea of creator economies, I believe we will start to see them pop up frequently

There are a wide range of applications on $ETH that allow you to monetize your work, with benefits even exceeding traditional solutions

10. Play To Earn

The use cases for $ETH & NFTs are undoubtable in the gaming industry.

With a combo of crypto economics and players of the game, all parties are inclined to make sure the game is developed to the greatest of their ability

These are very powerful network effects

11. Fair Launches

If there is one common theme in DeFi, it is the ability of fair launches & fair token distribution projects to easily attract value

Whether it be liquidity mining, governance airdrops, or any other types of fair launches, these kinds of projects always win

12. ENS

Use of ENS in a wide range of dApps will transform UX on $ETH

Lots of people are still unaware of the fact that they can send any stream of value across the world with nearly instant finality without a bank, as simply as they would send an email

wallet.eth > 0x87ab…

13. Zero-Knowledge Proofs

zkproofs are a revolutionary technology made possible by cryptography

It allows two parties to verify information without revealing anything other than the validity of the statement itself

They may also have to ability to scale $ETH to the next level

14. Synthetics

Synthetic assets make up the trillions in dollars of assets they can represent

The benefits of universal market access located on a censorship resistant network should not be underestimated

This is a tool for applications in the even greater ecosystem

15. Ungovernance

This is a unique governance design minimizing governance as much as possible

Introduced by $FLX, the token will serve to eventually minimize governance to a PID controller in the code

This will be particularly attractive for its trust-less design

16. Credit Delegation

Credit delegation refers to the process of delegating credit to someone

The smart contracts can be programmed to execute predefined functions, removing trust

This is a way for DeFi protocols to source liquidity WITHOUT needing borrower side collateral

17. Asset Managers

Asset managers are essentially permissioned pools for use across DeFi

Any type of pool can use their deposited tokens in a vault through Asset Managers, putting idle capital to work when it is NOT being used as swap liquidity

This will be massive for AMMs…

18. DAOs

DAOs can make up of any number of people who maintain a group’s decisions in a distributed manner

Individuals can use their tokens to vote and propose ideas they want to happen

These have already come to be some of the largest bootstrapped communities we know

19. NFT Marketplaces

Although the NFT ecosystem has expanded significantly since last year, there is a lack of a decentralized, user-friendly NFT marketplace…

When a dApp makes the process of trading NFTs as easy as using Uniswap, the whole NFT market will flock there

20. Education

There is a significant lack of formal education and knowledge involved with crypto

Those who make trying new dApps and features on $ETH fun to do will attract a huge amount of customers NEW to the industry

21. On-chain Analysis

It is actually unbelievable how much “alpha” there is to be found on the blockchain

Now, it is easier than ever to see what the biggest whales are doing, where the funds are going, and who is interacting with who

You can even find partnerships on chain

22. Decentralized Lending Protocols

An unbiased, non-intrusive, & nearly instant lender is an idea that would be laughed at in tradfi

However with things like Reflexer, $MKR, & much more on $ETH this is possible

This is not only a large step for crypto, but all of the world

23. Layer Two Interoperability

As more users go to layer 2 rollups for their scalability, interoperability will be important

What is already scaling $ETH to tremendous levels in terms of TPS, will also be able to benefit of the inherent features of optimistic & zkproof rollups

Anyways, there are an abundance of narratives that may very quickly become the new normal on $ETH, each in different sectors

It is extremely important to keep all of these in mind while we’re in the bull market…

I hope you all enjoy! 🥐

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