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Aug 24, 2021, 5 tweets

the *entire* altstadt in landshut, where we lived in bayern, fits in this suburban parking hellscape in federal way

what in the f*ck are we even doing in this country

the town square of federal way v. car-free center of landshut

oh man. it gets better.

US urban planning (left) v. EU urban planning (right)

left is federal way town center, where light rail is going in

right is vienna's seestadt aspern

which one looks more livable?

which one has more open space?

the entire district of rieselfeld in freiburg (pop. 10,000 - on right), situated at the end of the tram line - is less than the *car parking* for federal way (pop. 0 - on left)

federal way town center (left) v. the future site of utrecht's stunning car-light ecodistrict of merwede which will house up to 12,000 people


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