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“one of the best political-thriller writers on the scene" — latest is non-fiction (“Saving Democracy: A User’s Manual”)

Aug 25, 2021, 10 tweets


Receipts on how hard the GOP works to keep their rigging of elections behind closed doors.

Please share widely.

First, here’s a page from the PowerPoint presented at the 2010 RNC districting training. The presenter of this PowerPoint was a consultant for Ohio.


They began having meetings in early July 2011, including with that consultant.


Here is the email confirming the long-term room rental at the Double Tree hotel, so they could meet in secret. They would call this room “the bunker.”

They would go on to rent the room for 91 days


They began meeting every Thursday beginning on July 11, in secret. In the bunker.


Their own timeline makes it clear that most of the work was being done BEFORE the public “road show.”

This work included the sharing of multiple maps, slicing and dicing the state.

But they WROTE DOWN that they wanted to hold the final map “in the can” until the very end.


They would also use the “bunker” to shepherd individual politicians in to review the maps.


The consultants made clear they did not want any sharing of “external maps” as part of the conversation. (There had been public competitions as to what the most fair maps would actually look like).

Only what they drew up.


Also, notice that it looks as if the staff working on these matters are public staff. They also appeared at formal meetings as if they were public staff

In fact, they had temporarily resigned & worked as private contractors, making $210,00 over the course of the rigging


One other thing…some may say this was ten years ago. It’s new people now.

It’s not new people! Guess who was part of this ten years ago…Matt Huffman and Keith Faber, who sit in the districting committee today. DeWine was the sitting AG. LG Husted was on the committee.

So yes, the fact that they’ve had one formal meeting that lasted 15 minutes, and most of them aren’t showing up at the public hearings, and that only weeks remain, makes it crystal clear that they’re doing this all again.

Hence my questions yesterday…


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