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Infectious Diseases and their global story

Aug 25, 2021, 12 tweets

Oklahoma, this is bad.

Case positivity - 81.98%
Standing far above another other US state. 1/4

Oklahoma - leading the nation in searches for ivermectin.

Case positivity has reached this high even with a rise in testing.

Cases may not be as high as in other states and vaccination (43% fully) is not as low as the gulf states, but this is the type of denial that lets COVID multiply.

(and of course the true number of cases is much higher than reported given the high case positivity)

Moreover, the case positivity is just getting worse and worse, nothing like this has been seen in over a year.

Absolute cases positive and case positivity.

Here is Mayo's data on case positivity, a more reasonable 35%. Case positivity is easily an artifiact of data collection and reporting.

Becker's use the same source (JHU), showing how low test reporting is in this dataset from Oklahoma, Iowa and other nearby states…

And here is another much more normal (but still too high) rate…

Brandnew public health lab ribbon cutting in January…

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