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I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Aug 25, 2021, 21 tweets

.@LeeSmithDC joins @JanJekielek on @AmThoughtLeader.

Lee says what’s been going on in Afghanistan for the past 20 years was a catastrophe in the making. So what’s going on now should come as no surprise to us.

Full show:…

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek our leader ship is incoherent compared to someone like that Taliban which is very coherent.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek he doesn’t think there was any goals for Afghanistan. He thinks whatever goals were said was just cover for something corrupt and rotten.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek no one in Washington DC wanted to leave Afghanistan. Afghanistan is one of the reasons Washington got so big over the past 20 years.All of these people marching in DC with pink pussy hats has their 401(k) tied up in Afghanistan.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek Afghanistan is a place where they laundered money. So when you hear $3 trillion spent in Afghanistan just know most of it went to Westerners.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek they knew The money they was spending to build a democracy, a police force, than an army was just a waste. This was an American problem fundamentally because of our corruption.

..@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek we had a 20 year lesson about how corrupt our leaders was.

.@JanJekielek tells Lee it’s difficult to hear stuff like this happening and he’s not even an American citizen.

@LeeSmithDC says you always hear people saying we need to fight them there and not here. He wants to know how they will get here unless someone gives them a visa.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek everyone’s worried that the Taliban is going to wage some kind of Spectacular tear operation in the United States. It’s very easy to fix that if you stop everyone coming to the southern border and tell them NO you can’t come in.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek he does think Joe Biden deserves the credit for actually pulling the troops out. No one in DC wanted them pulled out and he actually did it.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek that you understood the money they was getting to do counter terrorism investigations would dry up. They simply turn that operation on Americans. That’s simply what we see when the FBI, DHS, and WH say they’re focusing on domestic terrorist.

.@LeeSmithDC say #KashPetal wrote a piece for Epoch time explaining the Trump administration had a solid with drawl plan. They handed it off to the Biden administration and apparently it all was ignored.

@JanJekielek says Season 2 of #KashsCorner starts later this week.

.@LeeSmithDC laughs and said no he doesn’t think we’re going to see the Taliban look moderate, forgiving, or anything like that.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek what he thinks will happen to Afghanistan. We should be grateful that Afghanistan showed how incompetent our leadership is and New American leader ship is already forming.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek The US never had any strategic interest in Afghanistan.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek there are strategic actors there but the US is not one of them. The idea that the United States would continue fighting their is nonsensical but it wouldn’t be surprising.

.@LeeSmithDC says you don’t go to war just to make other peoples lives better. You go to war the benefit your country. There’s no reason we should’ve left all of the rare earth minerals over there.

.@LeeSmithDC tells @JanJekielek even before Afghanistan China was chalking up the victories because of the US’s self-inflicted losses.

.@LeeSmithDC Explains what he meant when he said “he’s seen the new leader ship coming together“.

.@LeeSmithDC says our country is under assault and it’s by our own leaders. We need good leaders to stand up and take charge and start leading our communities.

This is the best show I’ve seen in a while. Here’s the link if you want to watch the full show.

Lee Smith: Botched Afghanistan Withdrawal, 20 Years of Corruption and Failed Leadership…

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