Arghavan Salles, MD, PhD Profile picture
media contributor | DEI researcher/consultant | speaker | surgeon | feminist | yogini | words at places | views mine | she/her

Aug 26, 2021, 7 tweets

It's not every day your piece is front and center on the @TheLancet homepage!!

I was delighted to work with @reshmajagsi on this commentary covering what institutions should do to reverse the damage the pandemic has done to women's careers. 🧵…


We have four major recommendations. "First, institutions must intentionally implement best practices to recruit, select, retain, and promote women..."

This would include criterion-based evaluations and transparency regarding roles and compensation.


"Second, institutions should ensure they provide paid parental leave and resources to support caregiving. Flexible options...can be helpful if they are part of a broader approach that recognizes the existence of family responsibilities for all employees."


"Third, academic institutions should ensure that women researchers receive adequate funding to mitigate any longer-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on their contributions to medical science."


"Finally, institutions should more proactively address workplace gender bias and harassment, which have worsened and taken on new forms with virtual work, particularly for non-white women."

Indeed, none of this will work without attention to intersectionality.


"The leading institutions of the future will be the ones who make the choice now, in this moment of uncertainty, to reverse the pandemic-induced backsliding of women's careers."

Pls share what your institutions are doing below!


PS Huge thank you to @jocalynclark for inviting us to write this and for giving critical feedback. Please also check out the other articles in the "Advancing women in science and health" collection!

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