borwin10 Profile picture
in sac

Aug 26, 2021, 12 tweets

On 11/21/20, A proud boy was caught on video beating a young trans activist in Cesar Chavez Park in Sacramento. I now know that that Proud Boy was Robert Sunday Jr.

Robert Sunday's identity is easy to verify, as his visible tattoos on both arms from the day of the assaults are a match for the tattoos visible in photos he has posted to facebook.

At the rally on 11/21/20, organized around the theme of crushing "Antifa", Sean Kuykendall (President of the Central Valley Proud Boys) was recorded in a conversation with Sunday: "We know there's no conversation at this point. It's just us stompin'—I'm not gonna say no more"

At the conclusion of the Capitol portion of the rally, Proud boys decided to march on Cesar Chavez Park to confront "Antifa". Robert Sunday was caught on video breaching police lines to allow Proud Boys past the cordon.

After arriving at the park, tensions rose between the large contingent of Proud Boys and a few activists who had been at the park. As shoving broke out, Robert Sunday–who trains for MMA fighting–and several others began to beat a young trans activist.

Despite heavy police presence in Cesar Chavez that day, no Proud Boys were detained for their clear role in multiple group beatings.

From a telegram account that used to use a photo of the assault as its avatar image, Robert also introduced himself as "Robert" and (in a somewhat grammatically confused way) "Sunday". The "4°" in Robert's screen name is a reference to his 4th degree Proud Boy status.

This profile also frequently mentions its past in the US Marine Corps and friendship with Carlos Zapata, a prominent far-right figure in Shasta County. Both of these are also corroborated in Robert's facebook profile.

From Robert's Telegram, we can also get a view into other pieces of his belief system: His belief in, and willingness to fight in, an imminent civil war. Also, his desire to throw unhoused people and the left into "camps"

Robert's posts also reveal a deep conspiratoral streak. He signals his support of the Q Anon slogan "Where we go one we go all" and his belief in the NESARA/GESARA conspiracy theory

NESARA/GESARA is a bizarre, cult-like conspiracy theory revolving around a (real) failed monetary reform policy from the Clinton era, which has been given a spiritual and pseudo-religious significance. It is frequently combined with theories about 9/11, UFOs, and the supernatural

Robert has most recently been seen at the Ashli Babbitt martyrdom event at the CA Capitol on June 5th of this year.

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