The Dirty Truth (Josh) Profile picture
I Watch the news and post important clips to keep followers updated. Things maybe spelled crazy but my hands don’t work and I use Siri to type.

Aug 27, 2021, 7 tweets

President Trump says this is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to our country. We look like fools all over the world. He can’t believe general McKinsey said the Taliban is going to protect us when they’re our enemy!

President Trump says ISIS X is members of the Taliban that is far more vicious and mad at the Taliban because how they are acting.

President Trump talks about his call with the leader of the Taliban.

President Trump says we had all kinds of time to get them out. We was in no rush because they wouldn’t have moved without my approval. Everything we’ve done was conditions based.

President Trump says we’ve got great warriors but they still need good leader ship at the top.

President Trump said they had he has plans set up perfectly.

President Trump says we’ve been put in the worst position that no one ever thought we’d be put in.

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