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Senior UI/UX Designer @ BLKBOX - https://t.co/BGYXBiXF3I | SaaS | AdTech | EdTech | Web3 ✦ Tweets on 🔸 UI/UX 🔸 Front-End Dev | Your Figma Friend 🎨

Aug 27, 2021, 12 tweets

10 YouTube Channels for Web Developers

A thread 🧵👇

4. Clever Programmer @cleverqazi

🔗 youtube.com/c/CleverProgra…

5. Code with Ania Kubów @ania_kubow

🔗 youtube.com/playlist?list=…

8. Programming with Mosh @moshhamedani

🔗 youtube.com/c/programmingw…

10. Thapa Technical

🔗 youtube.com/c/ThapaTechnic…

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