Naveed Jamali Profile picture
Former Spy (author of “How to Catch a Russian Spy”) & Intel Officer | Journalist for Newsweek | host of Unconventional

Aug 27, 2021, 9 tweets

So the threat to escaping Afghans isn’t just coming from the Taliban, it’s also coming from Karen’s who want to grab the limelight.…

Ooh snap she just got called the f out.

She fucking lied y’all and she doesn’t feel a bit of remorse. Because why shouldn’t a nice white woman make a buck off the desperation of brown girls?

Does it matter that the original story was rewritten after she was exposed? You know it didn’t.…

Oh an @brikeilarcnn put her on, bc of course a white woman saved the show and it’s about her and not a Afghan girls and women who, ya know, are a robotics team in Afghanistan.

Of course the person who actually secured their escape from Afghanistan? It was the Qatari Ambassador to Afghanistan and definitely not some Karen from Oklahoma.

But it’s cool, because there’s no backlash right? Oops I spoke to soon looks like now the girls’ families are in danger because Karen is doing media laps.

Is she gonna stop? Nah she just needs planes now bc she’s a KUN - Karen UN.

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