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Aug 28, 2021, 7 tweets

Underrated character!

Maki Genryusai (源柳斉 真紀) debuted in Final Fight 2 for the Super Famicom in 1993. She is a 38th generation practioner of Bushin-Ryū ninjitsu (also mastered by her good friend Guy). Her father is the current leader of the Bushin ninja clan and her older sister is Guy's fiance.

Maki used to lead a motorcycle gang when she was a student, but stays out of trouble these days. Her rough, charming personality shines through beautifully in her sprite animations in Capcom vs SNK 2. I think her CVS2 sprite is one of the apexes of the medium!
#SpriteArt #CVS2

Look at how much style and character is packed into this low res 16-color sprite! This isn't generalized sprite art that draws on well worn design conventions, this is an unmistakably Capcom illustration come to life! I am in awe of the mastery on display here!
#SpriteArt #CVS2

Thanks to @Fighters_Gen for the sprite animations!…

If you're like me and have been visiting Fighters Generation regularly for years and years, please consider supporting @Fighters_Gen on Patreon!

Doh! I forgot that Twitter does weird things to gifs, cutting off the last frame. Messed up the timing of her win pose in my previous post! Here it is again!
#SpriteArt #CVS2

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