Texas Slim⚔ Profile picture
Founder of the @BeefInitiative - #FoodIntelligence • Native Texan w a Global Reach • #Bitcoin • I Am Texas Slim https://t.co/wuC1qkWOHL

Aug 28, 2021, 8 tweets

I have been on the ground for 6 weeks from Texas to the boarder of Canada performing harvest and doing research on America's food production and supply. What I have found lines up closely to this article

I will be heading back to Texas to finish documenting and releasing my research. From the squeeze on the cattle rancher to the manipulation of the agriculture production and supply. From the asset reallocation of farmland to water supplies.

Not only is our food poisoning our population, they are about to create a manufactured food supply shortage that most people are not prepared for. This is the #GreatReset
Even if you try to work around govt restrictions and regulations and provide a whole source of food,

ploys are being used to try to get the independent beef supplier put out of business. They are using federal Covid mandates to monitor and try to shut down these places.
As the American people are distracted with just trying to survive, new rules and laws are about to be put

in place, thanks to the newly passed Infrastructure Bill which is mostly about Human Infrastructure and Social Egineering.
Middle America our "bread basket" has been forgotten and is now under control of the Global Industrial Food Complex corporations.

Agriculture has numerous useless commodities that are being engineered in a lab and the have zero nutritional value and are a huge contributor to the failing health of our society as a whole. Poisonous seed oils produce higher yields and better margins. Canola and soy are two

such crops that are GMO engineered and are being used as substitutes in your diet.
This is the #GreatReset
My full report is coming out soon. Please share and stay tuned.

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