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17 y/o — building a few Saas apps in public. sold (2023) & many others. 5x hackathon winner. Maker of the year 2021 @ProductHunt.

Aug 29, 2021, 11 tweets

Googling is a must have skill for developers.

Here are the pro tips to search on Google.
(A thread with examples 🧵)

1️⃣ Asterisk *

Use * to fill missing words or phrases

2️⃣ Search:

Using search: you can search within a website

3️⃣ Range:

Use ... to search within a range of numbers

4️⃣ Related:

Use related: to sites that are similar to other sites

5️⃣ Plus +

Using + will return pages that contain both words

6️⃣ Quotation

Use "" to search for exact phrases

7️⃣ OR

Use OR Operator to get the result of one of the search terms

8️⃣ Define:

Use define: to find a definition


1. Asterisk *
2. Search:
3. Range:
4. Related:
5. Plus +
6. Quotation ""
7. OR
8. Define:

If you found the tweet helpful, consider following me @saviomartin7 and retweeting the first tweet.

Thanks for your support guys, means a lot! 🙏

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