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Aug 30, 2021, 11 tweets

This thread is sponsored by [redacted]. Visit [redacted].com for all your [redacted] needs.

This is another QAnon-boosting, Kremlin-talking-point-promoting acct which cosplayed as a progressive.

The closest thing to an honest remark from this acct was the following tweet.


"If USA suffers from a Trump POTUS" . . . "I'm down."

This acct was part of a network of accts posing as Bernie supporters in order to depress Democratic turnout in 2016. Some such accts, like this one, went so far as to encourage Bernie supporters to vote for Trump.


And this wasn't *just* about encouraging Bernie supporters to vote for Trump. As seen above, it was also about being very obvious and divisive about it, to include using Bernie's name in the acct handle.

The intent is to spark hostility and drive a wedge between us.


And on the whole, such efforts were pretty effective, at least on Twitter. Most folks simply don't have the time to review the activity of such accts to figure out the truth of what the operative is up to.

They wouldn't go back & find it promoted Russia Today as 'REAL NEWS.'


They wouldn't have found that this account rooted for the fall of the Empire and the end of the OPEC / petrodollar, which is a distinct Kremlin interest.


There simply isn't enough time in the day for most folks to do this kind of analysis, between work and other responsibilities. And most certainly wouldn't be on the lookout for it before news about Russian troll operations started appearing routinely.


This operative also smeared the White Helmets by falsely asserting that they are a "western funded terrorist outfit."

And hotmomforbernie also insisted that the US built the terrorist groups in the M.E. and Western countries should pay.


By presenting themselves as American or from other Western countries, Project Lakhta accts could put words in Westerners' mouths, so long as folks didn't see through the disguise.

This acct also promoted Guccifer 2.0 [Russian intelligence] and then the coverup attempt.


The account switched from 'I don't doubt Russia is behind Guccifer2' to pushing '#HisNameWasSethRichNotRussia and calling Russian hacking a "horse & pony show."

Once the US investigation heated up, that narrative changed quick.

It's a 'dog & pony show', for the record.


And like I said at the start, this acct push QAnon. And Project Lakhta promoted that acct promoting QAnon.


For a time, this operative even had Qanon[.]app as the display name. That's obviously been changed since then but the archives contain numerous examples, such as this one where hotmomforbernie claimed that the 'deep state' was behind the gas attacks in Syria.


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