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Aug 30, 2021, 15 tweets

9 Life Lessons from ’Snakes and Ladders’ Game:

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1. Virtues and Vices

The game has been interpreted and used as a tool for teaching the effects of good deeds versus bad.

The ladders represent virtues such as generosity, faith, and humility, while the snakes represented vices such as lust, anger, murder, and theft.

2. Life is Dual

One of the biggest implicit in the game is unchanging two-ness of things, the duality of up & down, good & evil, Alpha & Omega, Day & night, etc.

Life is not meant to be a one-sided affair. You will face both the good and bad times.

You will face ups and downs. Just like ladders(ups) and snakes(downs), you will meet good and evil around you and you will also do both the right and the wrong things as you go through the journey of life.

Accept it that way and you will be able to live much more happily.

3. Identify your Goal

The goal in the game is pre-identified for you. It is very clear that to win, you need to reach 100.

Those who have played the game might have realized that how focused we stay in the game to reach 100, in spite of getting any ladder or snake.

That is exactly how the bigger game (life) is supposed to be lived.

This is the toughest thing for many people to do and most of us struggle till the end of our lives to find the goal of our life.

Living a life without a definite purpose is like playing the Snakes and Ladders game without knowing that your mission is to reach 100.

All that you are doing in your life today is useless unless you have defined the purpose of your life.

4. Keep your focus on the goal

Having once defined the purpose, align all your daily actions with the purpose of your life.

You got to keep your focus on that end goal and that will drive your daily actions to make sure that they are aligned with the purpose.

5. Be humble but never give up

Be grateful for what you have. Likewise, when you fall down, don’t give up.

Try again. Isn't that exactly what you do when you fall in the game.

This is exactly how life is supposed to be lived. Never Never never give up in life.

6. Accept the outcome

Whatever the result (win or lose), accept it with grace. Do not be too elated in success and on the other hand, do not be demotivated in your failure.

Make losing a motivation, not an excuse not to play again.

7. Have patience

You may be down and out. You may be the last in the lot but if you keep patience and continue to do what is the right thing to do, you might soon be surprised at how quickly life can give back to you, exactly the way how it happens in this game.

8. Keep moving

At the end of the day, it’s not the number of ladders or snakes that you face in your life that will determine your fate. Has anyone won this game just because he or she got more ladders? No!

Don’t stop at the foot of a snake and throw away the dice.

Just keep moving. Get up again, and keep moving. You might like to pause for a moment to recharge the batteries, or even have a little cry,

but then keep moving again. On the way learn from your mistakes or misfortunes – until you reach the finishing line like a seasoned victor.

9. Enjoy life

Never be in too much of a hurry to reach the end of the game.

Enjoy the lucky breaks, but realize that the steady patches and the snakes prevent us from getting to the end too quickly and add spice to our game.

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