cherry & dada🍒🐻‍❄️ | 🐇 Profile picture
♡ this account is shared between cherry and her dada! ♡ she/her (cherry) ♡ he/him (dada) ♡ agere ♡ {sfw only pls!} ♡

Aug 30, 2021, 22 tweets

virtual build a bear thread !! <3 <3
♡ (polls in thread) ♡
#agere #ageregression #ageretwt
rts are appreciated ♡

which stuffie will you choose to be your new friend? <3

pick your new friend!!<3

that’s a great choice for your new friend!! let’s get to bringing them to life! would you like a normal red heart, a gingham heart or a special heartbeat effects heart?

pick a heart! <3

do you want to add a sound to your new friend? ♡

which one would you like? :D

we’re almost done making your friend! would you like a scent in your friend? strawberry, bubblegum or lavender? <3

what do you want your friend to smell like?<3

your new friend smells great !! let’s stitch them up then pick out some clothes, which clothes would you like? :D

pick some clothes!<3

what about some pants? <3

pick some pants!<3

what about a princess dress too? <3

would you like a dress?<3

how about some pyjamas for your new friend too? :D

which pyjamas?<3

what about some shoes? <3

which shoes?<3

great choice !! their outfit looks great !! one last thing! would you like to give them an accessory too? :D


wow, your new friend looks amazing !! i’m sure you’ll become the best of friends, and I hope you had fun doing my thread !! :D <3

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