Gerjon | חריון | غريون | ኼርዮን (Deactivated) Profile picture
Deactivated | ✈️ Aircraft Tracker | 🛰️ Image Analyst | 🛬🔥 Ilyushin Il-76 fan | 🌍Focus on 🇦🇪UAE, Africa | Quoted by 🇺🇳, Washington Post, BBC, NY Times

Aug 30, 2021, 5 tweets

Part of a long train of KC-135 tankers and C-17A Globemaster III cargo aircraft is #MOOSE88/🇺🇸07-7173, possibly the one that turned off the lights at 🇦🇫Kabul International Airport, Afghanistan: the last one out.

The end of an era.

It looks like 🇺🇸62-4139/#PYTHN51, a Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint ISR aircraft, is also part of the 🇺🇸 military aircraft train leaving Afghanistan. I imagine she may have kept an eye on the situation from high over 🇦🇫Kabul as inventory on ground was blown up and aircraft took off.

Also part of the train: #GRIMM21/🇺🇸60-0026, a United States Air Force Boeing B-52H Stratofortress bomber, part of the usual daily deployment to 🇦🇫Afghanistan that has been ongoing for months.

Towards the back of the train: 🇺🇸88-1302, a Lockheed AC-130W Stinger II. "primary missions are close air support and air interdiction".

A highly modified C-130 gunship with 30+105 mm guns, various bombs and missiles, as well as radar and cameras.…

Finally: an E-11A BACN, a United States Air Force communications relay aircraft.


All in all: AC-130W, C-17A, E-11A, KC-135, RC-135W - quite a list!

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