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Aug 31, 2021, 19 tweets

10 Outstanding Lessons from the book "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell

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Why are ice hockey players born in the first few months of a year? How did Beatles and Bill Gates succeed?

"The Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell answers these and many more questions.

Debuted at number one on the bestseller lists for The New York Times and The Globe and Mail, "Outliers" held the position on the former for eleven consecutive weeks

In Outliers, Gladwell examines the factors that contribute to high levels of success.

To support his thesis, he examines why the majority of Canadian ice hockey players are born in the first few months of the calendar year, …

how Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates achieved his extreme wealth, how The Beatles became one of the most successful musical acts in human history - and many more examples to support his thesis.

I, hereby, list down the 10 outstanding lessons that I learned from this awesome book.

I know that I need to keep practicing these learning - day in and day out.

These lessons are worded and appended in a way that makes it easier for most of us to understand and absorb.

1. You can make sincere efforts, and that is it. There are just too many things that must fall in place - in a synchronous manner - for you to be able to achieve the results you wish to. Focus on your efforts.

Keep improving. Be satisfied with your improvements. Do not bother about the results.

Results are different with people having different perspectives.

2. Achievement is Talent + Practise / Preparation, the latter being the majority stakeholder.

You can acquire talent. You can do that even if you start from ground zero. Obviously, starting with an inborn talent gives you a head start.

But what is difficult to acquire is the consistency required in practising for your success.

That comes purely from your love of your craft.

3. Think before you take a jump, instead of getting excited with initial success.

Also, do not give up too soon if you are already into it. You are definitely going to be tested for your patience and perseverance - to the hilt. Obviously, nothing worthwhile comes easy.

4. You ought to plan for your freedom and then chase your passion full time

Those who believe that their passion and profession are independent of each other are perhaps making the biggest mistake of their life
Resonance is at work only when your passion is also your profession

5. IQ matters but only up to a point. Beyond that, its your attitude. It is just like in a basketball game, height matters but that's just up to a point.

6. If you think you have achieved anything alone, then that just dump this misconception.

Even the biggest creatures in the world cannot grow without support.

when it comes to leaving a legacy on this planet, there is nothing better than your children.


8. The world is not fair for anyone. But this unfairness to all is what makes it a fair game in the end.

9. These are usually small incidents that happen one after another which either get unnoticed or are not communicated properly in an unambiguous manner.

This lack of communication has a lot to do with the culture in which the pilot and the co-pilot are born and brought up in.

10. Among so many other reasons, this comes at the top

because if there is something pushing you and making you uncomfortable enough to wake up at 4am everyday - all days of the year - you are obviously unstoppable.

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