Emma Hilton Profile picture
Developmental biologist. Sport and sex. Sex Matters trustee. All views my own.

Aug 31, 2021, 8 tweets

I honestly have no idea why scientists aren’t all developmental biologists.

This is what happens when a fly has a mutation that causes legs to grow where its antenna should be.

This is what happens when you cut pigmented and albino frog embryos in half across the midsection, then swap the head/tail ends.

This is what happens when you take the ‘make head/backbone’ cells from one frog embryo and stick them in another.

And this is what happens when you trick a frog embryo into believing a ‘make head’ signal halfway down its body.

This is what happens when a mouse paw can’t process which side is which.

This is what happens when you treat frog embryos with UV light (left; all tummy) or lithium chloride (right; all head).

This is what happens when you chop a limb off a salamander.

This is what happens when you trick a chick into growing for an extra wing.

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