The Norwegian Anon Profile picture
Hey, Bob.. GFY! Vi veri veniversum vivus vici Bronomes: Anon/Anon Truth Social: @Wrecknor Telegram: @Wrecknor Gab: @Wrecknor

Sep 1, 2021, 17 tweets

The Art of the War


We Have It All

Everything has meaning....

Archived 7. november 2020, 1:39:45 AM.

Archived 6. november 2020, 3:17:27 AM

For actual cases for Human Trafficking Arrests, ResignationAnon have this list. Not recently updated, but linking to source. (Twitter does not allow direct link)
https:// qresear .ch/arrests

And we have recent notable Resignations with charges.
https:// resignation .info (combine for link)

Support ResignationAnon for the amazing work he has been doing for the last 4-5 years.

Cases overview:

It's the difference between 4 years of taking Red Pills and taking a blue. We are fresh out of red and blue. The only remaining wake up pills are the giant Black Pills.

Do not despair, we got this!

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