Brad Heath Profile picture
DC reporter for @reuters on crime and justice. Ex-@usatoday. Data, documents and "convoluted KGB style back-door" stuff. 202-527-9709,

Sep 1, 2021, 9 tweets

The Arizona Senate released a big pile of records related to its election audit last night, in response to litigation by @weareoversight. If you have an appetite for a 4gb zip file, it's here:…

Looks like the chair of the Arizona GOP had pretty extensive interactions with the gov't liaison for what the Senate claimed was a non-partisan audit, including arranging Newsmax and OANN hits for him.

Meanwhile, the president of the Ariz. Senate, @FannKfann, had some observations about the chamber's liaison to the Cyber Ninjas.

And we get a little look at the OANN sausage-making, in texts between correspondent (and audit fundraiser and Trump legal team member!) @christina_bobb and @FannKfann.

There's also a contract between Cyber Ninjas and a guy who made some fantastical claims that the 2020 election was rigged because it was mathematically impossible (and boldly claims to have invented email!) to conduct a "business intelligence analysis" of Arizona ballot images.

One of the documents the Arizona Senate produced about its audit is a copy of the failed election-overturning "Kraken" lawsuit in Michigan, for which ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell and a handful of other attorneys were just sanctioned by a federal judge.

The list of names from the Arizona audit document dump is indeed interesting ->

One of the most interesting parts of the pile of Arizona Senate election audit documents released in response to a @weareoversight lawsuit is what's not there: In tens of thousands of pages, there's very little mention of the private groups that paid > 95% of the audit's bills.

(And most of the mentions of the private groups funding the audit that show up in the 22,000 documents released today are in news clippings or copies of people's public records requests trying to figure out who was paying for all of this.)

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