Richard Hanania Profile picture
President, @CSPICenterOrg. Former @UTAustin, @ColumbiaSIPA. If you like the tweets, subscribe at for the more thought out versions

Sep 1, 2021, 7 tweets

A “reckoning” at Alibaba over sexism? What’s annoying about the discourse is it combines rape with lewd jokes as if they’re the same thing. We’ll see how strong Chinese defences are against America’s most destructive weapon.…

Is every single thing here good? No, but there has to be some freedom for individuals and institutions to navigate and develop their own work and social lives without a government-media complex watching them. Adults feeling "uncomfortable" is a lesser evil than the tyranny of HR.

"Alibaba has tried to cultivate a work environment of genial familiarity. Employees refer to one another using company nicknames. Managers show concern for workers’ personal and family lives." Can't have that! You're a global company now, you're run according to American HR.

"At the 2018 event, Mr. Ma joked onstage about how Alibaba’s grueling work hours affected employees’ sex lives." The horrors!

Jack Ma sounds like an affable nerd, very much a first generation Silicon Valley type.

According to a "prominent feminist" in China, "In companies where men dominate, hierarchical power structures and toxic masculinity become strengthened over time.” Hopefully the Chinese recognize this person as the most dangerous kind of foreign enemy.

I'm not assuming that, I hope it's not. If someone is plugged into Chinese media, please let me know. Also how prominent is the "prominent feminist" mentioned above?

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