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Sep 1, 2021, 13 tweets

How to catch the best NFT projects early using @nansen_ai #NansenContest

Pick a recently launched NFT project that fared well. You can use @nansen_ai 24HR NFT Market Overview to pick one . We will use @creatureNFT as an example.

From the @creatureNFT page on Nansen, head over to Etherscan.


Once on Etherscan, look for the ‘Transfers’ section. Navigate to the bottom of the page and use the ‘Download CSV Export’ option.


Import the CSV file on a spreadsheet. Look for the ‘Method’ column and filter by ‘Mints’.


Create a pivot table which shows you the number of Token IDs by wallet ID and filter the top 15-20 wallets. Congrats you now have a potential list of insiders/whales to ape after!

We’ll track the guy who minted 150 Creatures here. Let’s call him Creature Whale.


Now we want to be alerted everytime Creature Whale makes a transaction. We will use @nansen_ai Smart Alerts to do this.

Setup the alert as shown below. Done? Now we wait for the whale to surface.

P.S. You’ll also need to configure a Discord/Telegram/Slack webhook


It’s a hit! Let’s see what our Creature Whale is up to.


Look what we have here! The contract for dotdotdots.
wtf is that?? An NFT collection that had no public announcement, no website, no discord (at least none that I could find on Google or Twitter).


Can you believe it? Our Creature Whale is now a dotdotdots Whale too, the 3rd highest holder.


Fast forward 24 hours and this is what we have. 4000 ETH volume in 24 hours for a project with ZERO marketing!


So there you have it, folks. Follow the smart money. Rinse and repeat. You can use this trick to identify multiple smart/fast movers across projects.


Bonus Tip - @nansen_ai's standard plan allows you to set Smart Alerts for up to 3 wallet addresses. If you want to track more, Etherscan’s Watch List feature allows you to track up to 25 wallet addresses.


That's all for today, frens. WAGMI.

Goodluck! If you try this and it works for you, I’d love to hear about it. Cheers.

@nansen_ai #NansenContest

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