Lisa Nandy Profile picture
Labour MP for Wigan ❤️ Shadow Cabinet Minister for International Development.

Sep 1, 2021, 9 tweets

1/ The Foreign Secretary seemed keen to dodge the hard questions when he appeared before the Foreign Affairs Select Committee – but here’s what we managed to learn anyway… ⬇️

2/ He doesn’t know how many British nationals have been left behind in Afghanistan. It could be 100. It could be 400. He isn’t sure.

3/ But he can say that the security guards at the British Embassy, who we owe a duty to, were left behind in the chaos.

4/ He can’t remember when he last spoke to the Afghan Foreign Minister, the Pakistani Foreign Minister, any regional country or any British ambassador in the region in the months before the Taliban seized Kabul.

5/ In fact, since he became Foreign Secretary he’s never been to Afghanistan or Pakistan.

6/ He seemed surprised to learn that his own Department’s Principal Risk Report warned that the Taliban were advancing and the situation was deteriorating on 22 July. Had he actually read it?

7/ He was asked nine times when exactly he went on holiday. Was it before or after the US warned of the Taliban’s advance? Was it before or after a crisis centre was set up? He wouldn’t say.

8/ 900 troops flew into danger to deal with the crisis that unfolded on his watch. Would he like to apologise to them? Turns out he wouldn’t.

9/ He had 18 months to plan. But with Britain weakened in the world and facing greater threats from terrorism, a humanitarian crisis and thousands left behind, his only regret is going on holiday.

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