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Meteorologist commenting on the interesting, the entertaining & the odd plus sometimes even weather. Philadelphia forecaster for @Currently.

Sep 1, 2021, 17 tweets

With the focus on tornado impacts (and rightfully so), the major flooding threat continues unabated. Along with widespread flash flooding, local creeks and streams are well over flood stage.

East Branch Brandywine Creek below Downingtown PA now approaching Major flooding.

Perkiomen Creek at Graterford, PA now experiencing Moderate flooding. Major flooding expected with forecast 5th highest stage of record.

West Branch Brandywine Creek at Modena PA now second highest crest on record and less than a foot away from all time record set back in June 1973.

Update on West Branch Brandywine Creek at Modena, PA. Has now set all-time record crest and continues to rise. Period of record goes back 51 years.

Update on the East Branch of Brandywine Creek below Downingtown PA which has now set an all-time record high crest and continues to rise. Period of record is 49 years.

Update on the Perkiomen Creek at Graterford, PA. Near-record flooding underway. Less than a half foot from all-time record crest. Still rising.

Important update to the forecast for the Schuylkill River in Philadelphia. Major flooding now expected. Forecast crest is the second highest on record. Previous record was in 1869 (that is NOT a typo). This would be the worst flooding in over 150 years.

Update on the Perkiomen Creek at Graterford, PA. New all-time record crest has been set. Creek continues to rise. Period of record is 107 years.

Raritan River at Bound Brook, NJ is forecast to experience Major flooding. Forecast crest would be the 4th highest on record.

OK, this is incredible. East Branch Brandywine Creek below Downingtown, PA is now more than four feet above the previous all-time record crest. The creek continues to rise.

On the tidal Delaware River at Newbold Island downstream from Trenton, NJ, record flooding is occurring.

The South Branch of the Raritan River at Stanton, NJ is at near record levels and continues to rise. Major flooding is underway.

Morning updates: Schuylkill River at Philadelphia now at second highest level on record and forecast to exceed the record set back in 1869. Worst flooding in 150 years currently occurring.

Brandywine Creek at Chadds Ford PA appears to have crested at record high levels nearly four feet higher than previous record. Major flooding underway.

Raritan River at Manville, NJ at near-record levels and will likely break the previous record set in Hurricane Floyd in 1999. Major flooding underway.

Raritan River at Bound Brook, NJ now at third highest level on record and forecast to approach record levels set back in 1999 with Hurricane Floyd.

Update: Raritan River at Manville, NJ now at record levels, exceeding the record set back in 1999 by Hurricane Floyd.

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