Michael R. Caputo Profile picture
I am the least of these. #Trump2024

Sep 2, 2021, 8 tweets

“”One thing I learned to do in the Trump era: I learned to hate,” Caputo once said to me in a text. “Now I know hate and it’s really unsettling.” It surprised me that he was only realizing this now.”


I learned to HATE, taught the talent by the lying Congressmen, treacherous DoJ functionaries, partisan FBI bureaucrats, evil Democrat operatives, rotted Nevertrump hasbeens, scheming media, online scum, and criminals they inspired to harass my family - to terrorize my daughters.

As Pres Trump was inaugurated, it started: I was attacked on a DC street right after he was sworn in. 2 months later, in a carefully choreographed House Intel hearing fueled by Clinton campaign oppo disguised as a *dossier*, a Member maligned my wife. Swalwell targeted me online.

After that hearing, the threats rolled in for 48 months via phone, text, Facebook, Twitter, US Mail, and more. I was attacked on the street again in DC; leftist Buffalo locals threaten to kill me. The violence and vitriol frightened my wife and kids and yeah, me too.

We got dozens of threats, most from cowardly anons. Some used their real name. My local police @EastAuroraPD were valiant in their attentions; they issued 4 arrest warrants and nabbed 3 of them, all locals, 2 of them sons of prominent sports coaches. Local judges let them all go.

An adult male harassed my elementary age daughter. An LGBT activist threatened to attack me in the street, even kill me. A teenager promised to jump me as I walked in my hometown. Our cowards in judicial robes released them all.

A woman Tweeted her urge to beat me in church.

So we left the village where I grew up, where we moved to to raise my children with the small town values instilled in me. Because those values are gone, eclipsed by rotted people.

We did it quietly to avoid Antifa protests outside my home. We left suddenly. They posted pics.

We’re safer now, and very happy. We’ve moved on. But my experience is a good lesson for all.

“It is fools, they say, who learn by experience. But since they do at last learn, let a fool bring his experience into the common stock that wiser men may profit for it.”



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