Richard Hanania Profile picture
President, @CSPICenterOrg. Former @UTAustin, @ColumbiaSIPA. If you like the tweets, subscribe at for the more thought out versions

Sep 2, 2021, 10 tweets

I'm quoted in The Washington Post, talking about the ways in which the media overlies on generals and the government officials to explain what has been happening in Afghanistan, and the deference they're given.…

TV appearances recently

Bolton-at least 2

With almost no questioning of their records. Each of these people has been spectacularly wrong at one point or another, and in some cases have conflicts of interest too.

More great reporting from The Post. "The eight generals who commanded American forces in Afghanistan between 2008 and 2018 have gone on to serve on more than 20 corporate boards, according to a review of company disclosures and other releases."…

Stanley McChrystal "is the runaway corporate leader. A board member or adviser for at least 10 companies since 2010.. he also leverages his experience to secure lucrative consulting contracts on topics distant from defense work, such as managing the coronavirus pandemic."

Stanley McChrystal: Corporations want me because I'm a good guy with leadership qualities, and I'm proud of what I've done.

One of his companies defrauded the military and had to pay a fine of $50 million. For a speech at U of Nebraska, he required $80K and a private jet.

McChrystal eventually did it for $70K and without the jet, blames the Speaker's Bureau. That's leadership.

All of this is on top of a $150K a year pension from the government.

One of the companies McChrystal worked for paid him around $1.3 million. They ended up defrauding the Marine Corp of $1.28 billion, paid a fine to the government of $50 million. Why would you not just defraud the government and hire a general?

Note that McChrystal was leading the Afghan war effort during the time when it most clearly fell apart

For that record of competence, he was rewarded with no-bid contracts to help governments deal with COVID. His health "experts" include two former Yale football players.

I took @SamHarrisOrg to task a few weeks ago for getting all his information on foreign policy from a closed circle of elites. McChrystal was a recent guest. These people have shown competence in nothing but self-promotion, but even smart people are taken in by it.

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