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Molecular biologist, dad joke enthusiast, Texan and Texas history buff, non-believer, skeptic, fan of Pratchett, Asimov and Sagan.

Sep 3, 2021, 7 tweets

Let's talk about Barbara Jordan, Texas lawyer, politician & civil rights leader.

Born Feb 21st, 1936 in Houston's 5th Ward, daughter of a Baptist minister.

Barred from attending Univ of TX by segregation, she graduated Texas Southern University magna cum laude.

During her time at TSU (historically black university in Houston), majoring in political science & history, she led their debate team to national championship.

She graduated Boston University School of Law in 1959 with JD, taught Political Science at Tuskegee Institute in AL.

After 2 unsuccessful bids for state rep, she won a seat in Texas Senate in 1966, the 1st Black Senator since 1883, and the 1st Black woman.

Re-elected, she served until 1972, was the 1st Black Senate pro tempore, and on June 10, 1972 sworn as Governor of Texas for a single day.

1972, she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, the 1st woman from TX to serve that post.

1974, she makes a famous speech before Nixon impeachment as member of Judiciary Committee.

It is an amazing speech.

She had an amazing life & made many contributions. Many firsts as a woman of color who was also LGBTQ.

In her personal life, she spent 20 years with her partner, Nancy Early, an educational psychologist.

She received numerous honors, hon. degrees, and left a lasting legacy.

You can view statues to Barbara Jordan at the Austin Airport or another on the campus of the University of Texas... which she was unable to attend due to segregation.

"What the people want is very simple - they want an America as good as its promise"
- Barbara Jordan.

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