xo, ellie Profile picture
hello ^_^ 2323 stan account

Sep 3, 2021, 154 tweets

a filo #bjyx au.

“Sabay tayong gagraduate, mahal.”

“Basta wag ka munang aalis?”

“Hindi naman ako mawawala sa’yo eh. Sasamahan kita palagi.”


-slow updates (?)
-fluff, crack, angst
-mentions of d3ath
-timestamps are not important
-not affiliated with any schools or actors that are mentioned
-will add more notes in the future if needed

-will start soon

-cw// mental health

P.S. hindi kaartehan ang mental health issues. Kung nararanasan mo ‘to, tandaan mo na hindi ka mag-isa. Meron diyan na kahit isang tao na handa kang samahan sa anumang problema mo sa buhay. Wag kang susuko, okay?? Lovelots, laban lang❤️

[c h a p t e r o n e]


(di po ako taga-UPLB at hindi pa po ako college student so lahat ng mababasa niyo dito na related diyan, sa google ko lang po nakuha T-T)






(hindi po ako doktor ha T-T sa google lang din mga eme eme diyan HAHA)




-chapter one end-

[c h a p t e r t w o]




earlier (flashback in pcy’s POV)



(Just to clarify things, tito ni pcy yung doctor ni xz 😊)




-chapter two end-

[c h a p t e r t h r e e]











-chapter three end-

[c h a p t e r f o u r]











-chapter four end-

[c h a p t e r f i v e]











-chapter five end-

[c h a p t e r s i x]











-chapter six end-

[ c h a p t e r s e v e n ]











-chapter 7 end-

[ c h a p t e r e i g h t ]











-chapter 8 end-

[ c h a p t e r n i n e ]



(I changed yb's name sa phone ni zz. From "Mr. Sexy Architect" to "Mahal Kong Arki" la lang trip q lang HAHAHAH)

TW// crash sounds






(End of flashback)


-chapter 9 end-

[ c h a p t e r n i n e ]








Few days later...



-chapter 9 end-

[ final chapter ]


(ewan ko ba kung bakit ko sa dulo nilagay yung full playlist HAHAHA sensya na po T-T)

A month later.



(Edit lang po ito wag seryosohin 😭)



(Edit lang po ito, wag seryosohin ✌)






Thank you so much for reading!! Stay safe🤗

the continuation😌:

May joke ako sa AU na to WHAHAHA ang waley pero...

Diba ngayon ay araw ng mga...?

Isa nanamang pandodogshow sa AU na to. Happy Monday :))

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